F1Fund's Blog
We are always adding new functionality to the Unified4People fundraising platform. This months focus was on streamlining our end-user process, email notifications and pledging.
These are the changes for February 2017.
- Users can no longer enter expired dates when submitting credit card payments. This was a rare bug found in our system.
- You no longer have to wait for Unified4People to review your campaign.
- We now incorporate logic that automatically weeds out nefarious campaigns which means users can now submit their fundraisers whenever they want, no more delay.
- We've improved the functionality of the team member program by:
- Automatically reminding team members to share.
- Reducing how often we email reminders for those who have already been invited.
- As part of our re-branding to Unified4People from FundMe4Life we've finally phased out the old support@fundme4life.com email address. All emails will now come from our @unified4people.com domain.
Thank You,
The Unified4People Team